Monday, January 2, 2012

Starting 2012 the Right Way

It's not every year that January 1 lands on a Sunday. What a blessing that it did so this morning...the kickoff for 2012. Our pastor highlighted the verse Phillipians 1:21 in which Paul wrote "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." He explained that Paul lived passionately to please God rather than man, seeking to glorify God rather than himself, and sharing the Gospel with as many as possible.  I have to confess that this is a verse that I have probably skimmed over many times, never taking the time to consider its message.  Today, as I consider so many of my failings and opportunities to get better, I am thrilled to launch my 2012 and any efforts to drop bad habits and develp good ones on the foundation of Paul's words.
An unrelated side an effort to get the creative juices flowing and spend more time here, I've decided to tackle the lofty goal of sharing one picture per day for 2012.  Some may be meaningful...some may be mundane...and I'm sure many will be last minute panic-driven snapshots just before I hit the pillow. But today, I will feature the verse I shared above.

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