Thursday, August 16, 2012

Photo of the Day...8/16/12..."Food"

We were low on some staples...not literally staples, but the food basics you should have in your bread.  I mean...even prisoners have bread, right?  With their water?  So I made sure to make time to visit my local grocery store.  And while there, I managed to learn some things myself.  Here are those no particular order.

I am a casual couponer.  I found I am intimidated by serious couponers...and they always seem to want to talk to me.

Engineering degrees are overrated...many a grocery shopper can defy physical science properties in the stacking of their cart.

I can't believe how long it took me to figure out to grab my TP and paper towels (aka huge packages that suck up lots of cart real estate) until end of trip.

I found I was talking to myself by the end of the visit.

For more info on the Photo of the Day challenge, go here.

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